If you’re feeling tired, rundown or simply discouraged as a mom, here are some encouraging quotes for moms that will hopefully inspire you and make you smile.
Motherhood is one of the most incredible experiences in life, yet it’s also one of the most challenging. Day after day, you are mom to your precious children. You are responsible for these tiny little people. (Or maybe they’re not so tiny anymore.) It’s a scary thought!
Whether you’re a stay at home mom, you work outside of your home or from home, almost everything you do is for your kids.
These same kids that can make you want to pull your hair out and scream at the top of your lungs. Because some days, it feels like you can’t do anything right.
You already feel guilty for your inadequacies and it’s only confirmed by the latest parenting study that’s shared all over Facebook. You’re doing it wrong. You’re going to mess up your kids for life.
(Isn’t that one of your worse fears?) It is for me.
You can’t cook dinner that all the kids like.
You can’t keep the house clean.
You can’t even keep the kids clean for that matter.
Your kids bicker and fight and yell at one another. And as you yell yourself one morning, you’re struck by the realization that they sound JUST LIKE YOU.
You wonder if anything good you try so desperately to teach them will ever sink in.
Most of all, will your kids be okay?!
Sometimes you have to tune out all the noise and just be you.
Here’s a few encouraging quotes for moms because, today, you need to be reminded that you are doing a good job.
10 Encouraging Quotes for Moms:
Start by being kind to yourself. Because you are good enough.
It comes back to you. It doesn’t matter what others say. Oh yes, it can hurt, but you know in your heart what the truth is!
It sounds wonderful – even “right” – to “put your kids” first, but if you do that at the expense of your own health and sanity, you will run empty. And then where will you be? Where will your family be? You must take care of yourself.
If you do a good job at keeping your house clean, then good for you; that’s truly great!
But if you’re like thousands of other moms who feel guilty because their homes aren’t so sparkling clean, give yourself grace. No, it’s not an excuse to be lazy, but it’s okay to recognize that you may have other priorities. That maybe you simply can’t keep up with it all because you have health issues or you’re juggling a million and one things and simply don’t have the time. It’s okay.
Click here to download a free printable of this “Sticky Floors” quote.
I love this encouraging quote for moms because it’s so true – motherhood is one of the most certain ways to grow as a person.
via Landeelu
We are usually our own worst critics. It’s one thing to improve yourself, but are you mean to yourself?
Because you are you. God gave your children to you for a reason.
Stop doubting yourself. Yes, you’re only human and will mess up. But constant insecurity will only make it worse. Believe you can!
Click here to download a free printable of this “She believed” quote.
Stop living for tomorrow. Today isn’t perfect, but tomorrow won’t be either. If you can learn to recognize the joy and beauty of today, everything will be different!
via Practical Mommy
Only you can do it.
I hope these encouraging quotes for moms inspired you. Your children are so blessed to have you! You are doing a good job!
Jennifer says
I think every mom should print these out and keep them where they can see them. There have been times in my life where I’ve felt like the world’s worst mother, even though I was pretty sure I wasn’t.
Dawn gibson-thigpen says
i think all moms can use these. i know my mom could have used them while we were growing up and probably still can. lol
Stefany says
I love each and every one of these quotes. I love that there is an Eleanor Roosevelt one in this. FDR is the author of one of my favorite quotes of all time and I find her’s just as inspiring.
William Sweeney says
I love these quotes!! I am amazed at how much my wife is able to do and what an amazing mother she is too.
Deborah A. says
OH, these are so good! My favorite is the moms have sticky floors, dirty ovens and happy kids. My house may not be pristine, but that’s because we still live here! Thanks for the emotional support for moms.
Katie says
Hey Erika! I loved all of them. I was looking for a text message to my mom and she loved the second quote 🙂
Erika says
Thanks, Katie! 🙂
Lindsey says
I absolutely LOVE this post! Thank you so much for the encouragement! I need it everyday 🙂