Let your little ones fingerpaint without fear by using this non-toxic edible paint. All you need are two basic ingredients, and you will have hours of fun in your home!
Fingerpainting with children is a fun (and messy!) activity. While I can’t promise this DIY is mess-free, it’s certainly stress-free (okay, well, lower stress anyways!)
With younger children, it’s hard to find a fun and safe craft to do with them. Anything you hand to a toddler is guaranteed to go straight into his or her mouth—including art supplies!
One of my children’s earliest favorite activities is finger painting. However, I’ve never been comfortable with store-made fingerpaints, even if they are labeled as non-toxic. Take a look at the long ingredient list for any of these, and you’ll see what I mean!
As toddlers grow, their curiosity and creativity do, too! This fun painting activity allows them to explore textures and colors and have fun without potentially harmful chemicals. Whether you are fingerpainting with toddlers or older children, kids of all ages will appreciate this fun activity!
Edible Paint – Truly Non-Toxic

Rather than worry as to what chemicals my children may be sticking in their mouths, I decided I was going to make my own finger paint.
I needed to create something that was truly non-toxic and 100% ingestible. As a very happy bonus, I was able to do it with just two basic household ingredients!
This edible paint activity is everything your kids love about traditional fingerpaint: it’s colorful, fun, and works great on paper.
The best part is it’s completely edible, which means it’s safe for your little ones. You can put your kids in their highchairs with this paint and let their imaginations be the only limit to what they can create.
It’s a win for everyone!
The Benefits of Fingerpainting for Toddlers
Besides just being a fun activity and a way to get some cute artwork up on the fridge, finger painting for toddlers has quite a few benefits for them specifically.
Improves Hand-Eye Coordination
There are few things that can help your toddler improve their hand-eye coordination as well as finger painting! Let your little one practice dipping their finger into the jars of paint and smearing it around the paper. They’ll be having a blast as they learn!
Fun Way to Practice Colors
Yes, your child is likely learning colors when you read them certain storybooks at night, but it’s hard to beat a hands-on demonstration like finger painting will give them!
Introduces Toddlers to Color Theory
Is your toddler a budding Picasso? Perhaps! Show him or her how to mix colors together. They’ll be amazed (or at least amused) to see blue and yellow turn into green before their eyes.
Making this edible finger paint is oh-so-simple! All you need is two basic household items and a couple of empty containers.
- Yogurt – I use whatever kind of yogurt we have on hand. My favorite is Greek yogurt to sneak some extra protein in. 😉
- Food coloring
Other Supplies Needed
- Small containers for the paint – I used baby food jars; it’s a great way to recycle them!
- Popsicle sticks or a spoon for stirring the edible paint and getting an even color.
Place about 4 tablespoons of yogurt into each container.
Place 5-10 drops of food coloring in your first container filled with yogurt. You can add more or less depending on the shade of color you wish to achieve.
Stir well until all the food coloring is blended into the yogurt.
Tip: Use the side of your popsicle stick to scrape the sides of the jar so you can evenly color the yogurt.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each additional color. I made 5 different colors, including red, orange, yellow, green, and blue.
Once all the paints are made, you can give them to your child along with some paper and let them have some fun with their edible finger paint!
How do I store this paint?
Since it’s made with yogurt, this finger paint will definitely need to be stored in the fridge! But, I will say, it was rare that I ever had any leftovers to put away. 😉
Does this paint stain?
Yes, the food coloring in this paint can still stain clothing and even skin. I highly recommend putting your little one in a high chair and dressing them in an art smock or an old outfit you don’t mind getting dirty.
To get the dye off of their hands, just grab a washcloth and add some warm water and dish soap, then use it to scrub their fingers gently. I’ve never had an issue removing the dye, and the trade-off is definitely worth it to me!
More Fun Painting Activities for Children
- Mess-Free Fingerpainting – One of my favorite indoor activities for little ones that keeps them busy “painting” with no mess in sight.
- Easy Sponge Painting Rainbow – This is a good project for older toddlers when they have a bit more hand-eye coordination.
- Puffy Paint – Another easy paint that you can whip up with ingredients you likely have in your pantry right now. Who doesn’t love puffy paint? 🙂
- Sidewalk Chalk Paint – On nicer days, the whole family will love using this chalk paint outdoors! I like to keep mine in squeeze bottles so it’s easy to make patterns.
When all is said and done, there are so many fun ways to let your kids express their artistic sides. My kids had a ton of fun with this edible finger paint, and I am sure yours will, too!
Want to save this for later? Just pin it below to find the instructions later!
Dawn says
This is a great idea! Kids are notorious for putting EVERYTHING in their mouths!
Jennifer says
I think this is great! Most people use pudding, but making it with yogurt is so much healthier for when the kids eat it. And they WILL eat it.
Alena Belleque says
Great idea! The only downside would be not getting to keep the art when they’re done.
Dee Mauser says
Wow, two great uses. Does this stain your hands and/or whatever they’re painting on?
Amber Edwards says
Seriously just yogurt and food coloring? That is too easy! My daughter would have way too much fun with this! I love it!
Tammi @ My Organized Chaos says
Brilliant! I always dread getting out the paint, it seems to make such a mess, and all over everything. I’m going to try this the next time!
Amy Desrosiers says
What a great idea that my kids would surely love! I would use vanilla yogurt since they love that flavor a lot!
Ann Bacciaglia says
This is such a great idea. I wish i had of thought of this when my kids were little.
Lisa Bristol says
I will have to make this the next time my friend and her girls visit. It is such a great idea.
Chelley @ AisForAdelaide says
This is awesome! I love doing this with vanilla pudding- so tasty AND fun!
Liz Mays says
Wow that’s so simple. I wish I would have done this for my kids when they were little.
Sarah @ Must Have Mom says
This is an awesome idea! This would be perfect for my youngest.
Shauna says
What a great idea. And it dries totally dry? This is so super-cool. Thanks for sharing.
Autumn @Mamachallenge says
I love how easy it is to make! My daughter would love to use this!
Laura (Another Cent Saved) says
How creative. I’ve heard of pudding never yogurt. Very cool ;0
Robin (Masshole Mommy) says
I love this! Kids are constantly sticking things in their mouths, so this is very ideal.
Jenny Temcio says
I am in love with how easy this is to make! I will have to try it out!
Ronni says
I am so not crafty but even I can do this! something super fun for rainy weekends!!
Nancy @ Whispered Inspirations says
This is brilliant! My kids would be all over this!
Lena Burkut says
And that’s it? I’ve never though that yogurt and coloring can look so rich. I am so trying it
lisa says
This is great! Except my kids would probably rather eat it than paint with it!
DEBI says
My daughter would have so much fun with that. And it is easy
Daniya says
How can we store for reusing them later?
Erika says
Cover and store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
Cheryl Ragon says
I have a grandson that is almost 12 mo.. he would love the edible finger painting …. One question tho.. does this bright colored finger paint stain their hands or face?
Erika says
I did find a little staining with a couple of the colors, so we usually tone down the color to avoid that. You could start with a little dye and go from there. Afterall little ones probably don’t care how bright the colors are! Hope you both have fun, Cheryl!